Wastewater Collection Improvements Project

Wastewater Collection Improvements Project

This project involved the installation of approximately 35,000 linear feet of 8- and 12-inch PVC wastewater pipelines.

This project involved the installation of approximately 35,000 linear feet of 8- and 12-inch PVC wastewater pipelines, with approximate invert elevations ranging from 7 to 19 feet below the existing surface elevations. It also included the installation of around 6,500 linear feet of 15-, 18-, and 24-inch PVC wastewater pipelines, with approximate invert elevations ranging from 13 to 21 feet below the existing surface elevations. Additionally, the project incorporated the construction of approximately 95 manholes and a lift station.

The proposed pipeline had a specified route, starting at an existing lift station located west of the intersection of Bosque Road and Gallegos Park. It then continued east to Levee Road, where it turned north for about 1,200 feet. The pipeline crossed under the Rio Grande river to Wiloughby Road and continued north for approximately 3,000 feet, finally crossing Doniphan Drive where it terminated.

CQC's testing and geotechnical services included evaluating subsurface soil conditions along the new wastewater line alignment routes. This was achieved through subsurface exploration borings, collection of soil samples for engineering soil classification testing, and conducting Standard Penetration Tests (SPT’s). The findings were summarized in a report that provided information on the suitability of on-site soils, engineering soil classifications, bearing resistance, and potential construction use for pipeline backfilling. CQC also recommended the installation of a monitoring well to assess groundwater levels over time near the lift station and the bore crossing below the Rio Grande. Additional recommendations were provided in case pre-grouting was required to complete the bore across the Rio Grande due to loose sandy soils encountered during the process.

Image Wastewater Collection Improvements Project Wastewater Collection Improvements Project